Saturday, February 28, 2009

Next Steps

Earlier in the week I said my goodbye's to the toons on my realm and passed off any usable items/money to them. My departure this round is more personal as I am not freezing my main but rather removing it from existence.

I did this by deleting its presence entirely from the realm-space. I started with my alts then moved to my main. It was *painful* but took steps to ensure that this was recorded for sentimental purposes by screen capturing the content. I took the liberty of posting it on youtube.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

End of the Line...


it is with some regret that I will no longer be posting to this journal. I canceled my account effective as of March 5th and will be dispersing whatever remaining possessions to key people on the Uther realm. My reasons for "hanging it up" is dual fold, and listed below (not in any order):

1) The game has gotten to repetitious and is a serious time drain. Over the past 3+ years of WoW'ing, I've put in approximately 74 days (approx. $800 bucks in subscription fees) into this game. Try to put this into perspective - I could have had advanced in the name of productivity in a number of fronts including but not limited to - a) developing a start-up business to generate residual income, b) started a second language, c) start learning violin or trumpet, d) sell guns and made lots of money, etc.

2) Blizzard's game play experience has greatly diverged from where I think it should have evolved to. Again this is just my humble opinion based on my observations - particularly around the time the 1st and 2nd XP's came out. If I were to try and sum this up, I'd say
  • Blizzard homogenized most class abilities to the point beyond recognition.
  • 2nd XP only - plate classes rule (DK/RP). I can't figure out what shit Blizzard was smoking when they made/reworked these classes - amazing DPS output, superb defensive capability and literally no downside.
This isn't a rant/qq at Blizzard - I have no regrets playing this game. Its just the end of the line for me.

All the best,

Friday, February 6, 2009

My Evolving Keybinds Revisited...

In my opinion, one of the most coveted things rogues rarely disclose is their keybind layout. I mean who wants to advertise how they took you down with a minimal amount of effort as a result, in part, of a well laid out keybind setup. Rogues, in my opinion, stand out from other WoW classes because we have to manipulate several offensive and defensive maneuvers well to survive in PVP (you'll see what I mean below). If there are other classes that have similar setup in depth as I have, please feel free to post it - I'd be most interested in seeing it.

Before I go over my setup, you should recognize as I do that everyones hands are different as are the mouse and keyboard that they use. My layout below is in no way depicting a "one-size-fits-all" approach. Its intended rather to document my evolving layout and hopefully stir up some interest...

Stealth Mode: 8 keybinds total
1 > ambush
2 > garrote
3 > gouge
4 > pick pockets
5 > macro for improved sap (I'll go over this macro in another post)
6> cheap shot
sA > Disarm traps
sE > Preparation

Combat Mode: 24 keybinds total
(note s depicts SHIFT key, m mouse key)
1> shiv
2> macro for sinister strike
3> gouge
4> evis
5> macro for mutilate
6> kidney shot
sA > fan of knives
sC > kick
sV > every man for himself
sQ > thistle tea
sR > rupture
sD > dismantle
sF > envenom
sH > runic heal pot / health stone for arena
sG > macro for bandage self
sT > blind
s3 > evasion
s2 > SnD
s1 > distract
s4 > vanish
` > stealth
sE > preparation
m4 > cloak of shadows
m5 > sprint

I'll review my Macro's that I use in the next post - enjoy...