Friday, January 16, 2009

The Beginning of the End...

I hit 80th level about two weeks ago while questing in Icecrown. I was happy that I didn't have to level anymore but realized that this is it - I won't be leveling my main anymore...ever. The good thing is that there are lots of things to do, all with relatively little time investment.

So basically I have decided to break up my time in three areas:

1) Completing as many Icecrown + StormPeak quests - I really don't need to do IC but am enjoying the story line as it ties back to Arthas. I need to do StormPeaks so that I can grind out my rep. and get the shoulder enchants with the Son's of Hodir. Questing will obviously help maintain upkeep on my repairs and other miscellaneous expenses. Its been said there are on average 550 quests per zone in Northrend (whew).

2) Guild Raiding - Will be running whatever comes my way from Northrend thats level 80. This will aid in gear'ing me up as my DPS output is somewhat below par at the moment. This is partially caused by my talent spec being a Mut/Sub variant with lots of burst damage output and survivability measures for pvp. Luckily my guild doesn't require me to respec. I am considering a hybrid spec between PVP/PVE but don't want to incur any expenses at this time - I heard the next patch 3.0.8 may not have the mulit-talent spec. capability - might be buckwheats for me until then.

3) PVP - I recently started to PVP again in the BG's. Although it was nice to get back into this, its somewhat overwhelming since the whole gameplay feel has changed. Everything seems to move more quickly and with the introduction of DK's, a new twist to the gameplay has been factored in. I recently noticed my Thistle tea gets a -20 point energy reduction at 80 (booooo). As far as Arena, I bought a 2's team charter and will most likely start running rated matches this week. I will also be continuing skirmishes as a warm up prior to doing the rated team matchups. I don't want to rush into Arena too quickly until I start collecting better gear.


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