Monday, March 3, 2008

PVP Key Binds

Hello again,

I'm hooked on PVP'ing (Both Arena and BG) and have recently made the switch to a mutilate spec (43/0/18) - to accommodate for the faster game play, I had to remap all my key bindings. Previously (in PVE-land) I didn't have to worry about that split second key sequence but now I do.

This is a first cut so it will probably go through some minor modifications as I feel it out - unfortunately there are roughly 24 key bindings that I have to commit to memory so its no doubt that this will take some time before it becomes 2nd nature.

1 shiv
2 sinister strike
3 gouge
4 eviscerate
5 mutilate
6 cheapshot

SHIFT KEY STUFF (denoted s)
sC kick
sA Thistle Tea
sR slice-n-dice
sS Expose armor
sD rupture
sF envenom
s1 Distract
s2 Sprint
s3 Evasion
s4 cloak of shadows
s5 Vanish
s` Cold blood

` stealth
mouse3 deadly throw
s + m3 = throw
sV insignia of alliance
sG macro - quick bandage

1 ambush
2 garrote
3 sap
4 pickpockets
5 shiv
6 cheap shot

Note: I have to work on repositioning the s2 key - I have to shift my hands to get to this key combo. Also I had to move my escape key to the right side of the keyboard as I am constantly hitting it during battle.

Later on, I'll post some observations about the mutilate spec - still feeling it out.
